The site belongs to Mrs. Pascale LEMUHOT, founder of PARISIAN SPARROW, micro-enterprise registered in France under the SIRET number 921233490 00017, whose registered office is located in Suresnes (92150) / France.

Code APE : 7990Z/ VAT non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI
Website address: www.ParisianSparrow.com
Address e-mail : contact@parisiansparrow.com
Responsible for the publication: Mrs Pascale LEMUHOT



The Parisian Sparrow trademark, as well as the associated logos/illustrations are registered trademarks of the INPI (registration number 19 4 581 287) and the exclusive property of Mrs Pascale LEMUHOT.



The whole of this site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.

The constituent elements of this site (Parisian Sparrow texts, images, graphic charter, logos, illustrations, brands, animated video sequences, sound or not, …etc) are the exclusive property of Parisian Sparrow or its partners.

By extension, certain content (product images, shop photos, etc.) ) are the property of their respective authors (manufacturers, craftsmen, photographers…).

Other brand names and their logos are the exclusive property of the companies listed on this site.

Any total or partial reproduction of this site without the prior authorization of the company’s manager, and this, by any process whatsoever, would constitute an infringement prohibited by Article L.713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, which could lead to prosecution (Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code).



www.ParisianSparrow.com is first and foremost a multilingual information site, whose purpose is to highlight Parisian and Made in France products.

It is intended for: 1/ tourists visiting Paris or France. 2/ Anyone wishing to optimize their purchasing process in France and better know the products-craftsmen-artists representative of French production. It is a question of providing future consumers with the elements they most often lack in order to make the most of their shopping experience in Paris and France. 3/ to French manufacturers-craftsmen-creators who wish to make their products known and thus give a better visibility of their brand internationally.

The purpose of www.ParisianSparrow.com is to inform, and in no way to test all of its products, nor to make comparisons, nor to replace the national or international bodies in charge of the analysis of the respect of the manufacturing standards in force. The reference to this or that product does not prejudge its quality. www.ParisianSparrow.com declines all responsibility for the use or consumption of the products recommended in this site. The information provided is indicative and shall not exempt the user or the future consumer from a complementary and personalized analysis, a priori or at the time of purchase.

The products mentioned are selected by the person responsible for publishing www.ParisianSparrow.com. This choice is based on the elements communicated directly by the manufacturers/distributors or collected on their websites. www.ParisianSparrow.com ensures, as far as possible, the accuracy and regular updating of the information disseminated. But can in no way be held responsible for inaccuracies or even omissions that may be found on the site.

The responsibility of www.parisiansparrow.com can also not be engaged in case of discrepancy between the information provided on its site and those registered on the sites of the manufacturers (in particular, change in: the origin of the product, the manufacturing or distribution process, opening hours of the stores, location of the shops, quantities of the points of sale, out of stock or cessation of production of the mentioned product, variation of the selling price, cessation of activity of the manufacturer, etc …).

Hypertext links to other sites are offered for informational purposes only and do not engage the responsibility of www.ParisianSparrow.com as to their content (information, words and opinions expressed) of which it does not have editorial control.
Any natural or legal person wishing to establish a link (address of his site) from our site, must first request authorization. The establishment of links to our site, in a benevolent approach, does not require authorization, but www.ParisianSparrow.com in this case releases any responsibility.



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www.ParisianSparrow.com declines more generally any responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, natures or consequences, caused by the access of anyone to the site or, on the contrary, by the impossibility of accessing it.
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