Salt marshes cosmetics by ECLAE

What do the salt marshes of Camargue (southern France), pink flamingos and ECLAE brand beauty products have in common?

The micro-algae Dunaliella Salina!

This micro-algae thrives in extreme salt concentrations found in environments like lagoons and salt pans. It is notably abundant in France’s Salins d’Aigues-Mortes, a protected natural site of salt marshes .


Dunaliella Salina produces a beta-carotene pigment shield against UV radiation and adapts with polyunsaturated fatty acids and glycerol to survive hyper saline conditions.

The algae’ harvest takes place during the summer phytoplankton bloom. Water evaporation and salinity levels are very high and the algae’s defence process is then at its maximum. Its massive production of carotenoids colours its cell intense pink, which in turn tints the waters the same colour. This is the wonder of pink water…


This pink colour goes so far as to dye the plumage of flamingos (originally white) because they are particularly fond of micro-shrimp, which feed themselves on Dunaliella Salina!

@Yuliia Lakeienko

In Roman times, Pliny the Elder already wrote about this natural phenomenon. As for the women of the region, they were renowned for the radiance and youthfulness of their skin. They borrowed their beauty secret from the salt workers, who protected their faces with this algae against the sun’s harmful effects!


Researchers only demonstrated the extraordinary antioxidant power of algae in the 19th century. But it was only in 2010 that the Salins du Midi company (European leader in salt and owner of the saltworks since 1856) decided to assess and promote this unexploited natural treasure.

In 2015, the French and organic cosmetics brand ECLAE was born !

The virtues of this Dunaliella Salina algae are remarkable:

* a decisive antioxidant action for the skin thanks to its natural carotenoids (10 times more potent than synthetic beta-carotene)
* a moisturising, emollient and protective properties thanks to its high glycerol concentration.
The skin is protected from oxidative stress, responsible for skin ageing. Its hydration and radiance are reinforced.

ECLAE brand offers a complete beauty ritual. It provides anti-ageing or wrinkle filler, hydration, soothing or radiance booster treatment.

Cosmetics ranges include daily care (day cream, night cream, eye/lip contour, serums),


targeted care (make-up remover, scrub, mask) or body and hair care (shower gel, shampoo, nourishing balm, restorative dry oil, fragrance).


A specific range (INNOSANS) is even intended to treat imperfect skin.


​Formulations are not tested on animals and can have up to 99% natural ingredients. No controversial ingredients are used.

Other natural active ingredients are even harvested directly from the Aigues-Mortes saltworks (dune immortelle, sea samphire, Camargue salt, maritime chamomile or salicornia).

So do not hesitate to discover ECLAE brand with organic Camargue algae !
You can buy these  cosmetics on the ECLAE website (delivery in Europe only) or in resellers’ shops.

And if you have the chance to pass through the Camargue, just visit the Aigues-Mortes saltworks and city with the dedicated boutique!

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